Rates are for a child’s spot and not based on attendance.
If your child is going to be absent, you are required to call the center and notify the director of your child’s absence by 9:00am.
Tuition is charged on Monday by 10:00 am. Payment is due by drop off Monday morning. If payment is not made, there will be a $50.00 late fee added to your account on Tuesday. Child may not return until payment is made.
Rates are based on the age of the child and are as follows and subject to change:
- Registration $50.00 per child
- 1-year-old $185 weekly
- 2-year-old $170.00 weekly
- 3-year-old $165.00 weekly
- 4 & 5-year-old $160.00 weekly
- VPK wrap-around care $120.00 weekly
- Non VPK days $15.00 per day added to tuition
Please contact us if you have any questions.